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Category: Events

#PMInc Guest Author: Babs Hightower

Taking Care Of You: ME Time. Being a single mom during the week and working with various authors, my day can be hectic. Not to mention my week.  My husband works out of town and only home on the weekends.  I try to leave those days for family time.  We have 5 children ranging from 8 to 23. The two oldest are out on their own which helps but we also have two grandchildren with two on the way. During the week, after getting the kids off to school, I come back and get the house straightened up and laundry…

#PMInc Guest Author: Pamela S Thibodeaux

#PMInc 11th Anniversary Guest Author: Pamela S Thibodeaux When I was invited to write for Personalized Marketing Inc’s blog, I wondered what on earth could I say that you haven’t already heard or, for that matter, something I haven’t already said and/or written about. So I thought I’d just recap some of my most valuable writing advice. Here goes…. Read. Read extensively in your genre and out. Take note of phrases & descriptions that capture your imagination or make your heart sing and mind race. I’ve yet to meet a writer who isn’t an avid reader! Write. Doesn’t matter if…

#PMInc Guest Author: Raven Starr

Taking Care Of You: Self-Love. Hello out there in the ethereal realm I call the internet. My name is Raven Starr and I am so pleased to be able to share how and why I take care of myself. I personally think we should all learn self-love and how wonderful it is to take care of yourself. Life is full of stress and even though we all try to grin and bear it, it builds with each passing day. A few years back I was fighting chronic pain, I had so many doctors and all they wanted to do was…

Taking Care of You

Welcome to the Personalized Marketing Inc 11 Year Anniversary Blog Event! This month the blogs are going to focus primarily on what we do to take care of ourselves or suggestions on how to take care of you. Personalized Marketing Inc is focused on providing services that are tailored to our clients needs and we also understand the struggles of trying to work, promote, market, manage emails and all the lovely things that go along with managing an online presence. So, it only seemed appropriate that the topic for the month was about ‘Taking Care of You’. When it comes…

#PMInc 11 Years Anniversary!

  As you may have noticed our blog is a couple of days early… that’s because tomorrow is August 1st and we are turning 11 years! Wow can you believe it has already been 11 years since Personalized Marketing Inc opened it’s doors? I know I can’t! It has been a wild and amazing journey and one that I am very blessed to be a part of. It seems like not long ago that my friend Raven suggested offering what I was doing for friends as paid services. In the beginning we were known as Personalized Marketing & Promotions, (kind…

Pamela S Thibodeaux

Pamela, welcome to PM Inc’s Blogger, we are happy to have you here. Please tell us a little about yourself? Thank you so much for having me! I am a mother, grandmother and in my day job, a Licensed Insurance Agent. I sell home, life and Medicare Insurance. I’ve been writing for nearly 40 yrs. and published for 20+. What do you find is the hardest part about writing and promoting yourself? Finding the time to write consistently and the money to market/promote effectively. What do you do to unwind?  READ. Mostly. I also like to camp and fish, walk…

Marie Lavender – Writing in the Modern Age

Have you ever wondered if authors are superstitious about reading other books while they work on their writing projects? More than fifty authors have weighed in on this question, among a few other inquiries we wondered about, such as… Does writing energize or exhaust you? How do you cure a case of writer’s block? Do you want your book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? We’ve addressed these questions, and many more. It’s always fascinating to get this kind of perspective from published writers! Please join us…

Happy New Year!

Personalized Marketing Inc - Happy New Years

In light of the Holiday and spending time with our families, this week’s blog has been postponed until January 4th, 2019. We want to wish…

Christmas Excitement?

Are you excited about Christmas? Have you finished your holiday shopping or are you still looking for that perfect gift? So what about marketing, promoting, writing, editing, creating, ya know work? #PMInc #Marketing #Holidays #ChristmasSpirit

PM Inc Anniversary Giveaway Winner & Blog Topic: Moving Your Website

& Blog Topic: Moving Your Website We want to thank everyone that participated in the event! Hard to believe that the month-long celebration is over… It has been an amazing and wonderful journey! We look forward to providing you with customized services for another 10 Years!    Now back to our Monthly Blog! This week we are going to discuss moving your website…  You might wonder why you would want to move your website in the first place… There are a few main reasons… You may have outgrown your hosting account You might have found a better web host elsewhere You may…