First … Thank you to our Amazing Clients for without you we would not be here today. Secondly …Thank you to everyone that has participated…
Thank YOU – PM Inc’s 10th Anniversary It’s interesting when you get to celebrate your actual birthday and your company’s anniversary at the same time. You find yourself thinking about what is important to both you and the business.
Welcome to Weeks 3 & 4 of the Month-Long 10th Anniversary Party. The discount for Week 3 & 4 is Marketing, so is the topic for the blog. Today, you cannot afford to not have marketing, there are hundreds of thousands of other sites and just putting out quality content is not enough.
You are a “Needle in the haystack” SEO helps the Search Engines list you and for us to find you. What is SEO Search Engine…
Old and New – Hosting Then and Now To see what is best for the clients, we must see what is best for the company as well. As with our new look, we did an “out with the old, in with the new” concerning the design and primary services. We have always offered customized services and will continue to do so, however, we needed to find a better way to give you what you need.
Welcome to the Personalized Marketing Inc’s new site and month-long anniversary party! Each week we are offering a different special and one big surprise during…