Time To Discuss Your Web Presence Series 1
We have created a special four part series of blogs to help give you some basics for your website and to ensure your web presence is what you wanted
These blogs will be posted weekly instead of bi-weekly.
So you have done the hard work. You have started planning, preparing, and scheduling your marketing post, have you stopped to take a look at where you are sending your followers. Are you sending them to your personal website? Maybe your social networks sites, such as Facebook or Twitter? When they get there what do they see? Are they finding a beautiful page about you and your product or are they getting an insecure error, scripts of coding displaying, blurry media files or not able to even access your site? Perhaps they are even looking at your site on a mobile device and it does not look like you expected?
It’s time to evaluate, probably update and ensure that your web presence is the way it should be.
SSL Certificates
Now this may seem like we are putting the cart before the horse; however, due to changes in popular browsers, SSL certificates are something no website can go without. So instead of starting with hosting or web design we are starting with security first.
I recently had a client call me concerned because she got a call about renewing her SSL certificates and the cost quoted was not cheap by any means. We do provide hosting services for this particular client so I went in to her account and checked; yes she was due to renew. However, she had more options than the person on the phone was giving her. We value being transparent for those we work with, so I gave her price quotes of not just what we could offer but others as well. I also offered installation of the SSL certificates no matter where she purchased them from. Why? Because that is the type of company we are. We look out for our clients even the ones we do not directly deal with on a daily basis.
Why do we even offer to install SSL certificates? Well for a couple reasons really. First reason is, we have the knowhow and yet again we are a transparent company. This means we try to do our very best for our clients. Second reason is because we know that your time is valuable. Not everyone wants to deal with CSRs, Validation Steps, checking links and ultimately we are asked to do it. We do charge for the installation process but we offer it at a reasonable rate and generally can have it completed within a couple hours. Our SSL certificates and any other 3rd party sellers do require a couple things, cPanel access and ability to install. Before purchasing any SSL certificate you need to ensure that both of these things are available.
Firewalls and CDN
Another topic that has come up a lot recently are Firewalls (DDoS) and CDN. Firewalls are the protection used to help stop attackers from accessing your site by ‘bouncing’ them off either your hosting account or your domain name site, depending on which type you have. Firewalls can be purchased through either the hosting account or a 3rd party location, such as Securi.
CDN or Content Delivery Network is a backup of your website on several different servers that helps to prevent loss of downtime and while increasing site speed. Essentially, the CDN places a copy of your website on different servers around the globe and when a visitor comes to your site, they are displayed a cache of the site from a server located near them. This helps to speed up your sites time by two methods; first by using cache versions of the site. Secondly, by visitors accessing your site from a server located near them (less distance for the network handshaking to travel).
Being secure is not only beneficial to you but also to your visitors. Ensuring that their information and devices are being protected helps to build a trust between you and them.
Next week we will go over hosting options. I know we have given you quite a lot of content to read and several things to consider. We are here to help; we have several service packages that are tailored to what YOU the client needs based on YOU alone.
If you have a suggestion for a topic then please send us an email, we may chose to do a series about it.
We are including a 10% discount for any item offered on the Personalized Marketing Inc Hosting site and main site, good through June 1st 2018.
Just as a way of saying thank you for reading the blog post.
PM Inc Main Site (including PM Inc SSL and Installation Service): Just email us and mention “Real Marketing For Organic Growth PT 21 Blog Post Promo: RMOGpt21” or fill out the form and the discount will be added.
PM Inc Hosting Code: ( RMOGpt21 ) Must either click the link or paste the code in the shopping cart to get the discount.
#PMInc #Hosting #Security #WebPresence #Marketing #WordPress